I said the museum was one of our favorite spots but I think the Zoo actually topped it. Zack LOVED the zoo, and our final trip to the zoo was definitely a memorable one.

The snow leopard FINALLY came out to see it's visitors. Usually we would only see him hiding out in the back of his area but this time he sat right by the glass and Zack was SO excited to sit up close to him.

The lion was also looking especially Regal that day.

Zack was obviously impressed!

The seals were putting on a real show.

We were pretty pooped so Zack insisted we stop and rest on these "Animal Chairs". He even grabbed Jason's hand and dragged him over to sit next to him.

Jason thinks he wants one of these in his front yard someday. Mmmmm Hmmm... Yea right!

The penguins sang us a goodbye tune.

It was a perfect beautiful day and a great way to say farewell to our beloved zoo. I know, I know, there's a zoo where we're headed as well but it's a bit of a drive and I just don't think it will be the same. We'll Miss you Milwaukee Zoo!!!!!
p.s. Yes, Kyle was in attendance. I promise! He just slept through the trip, AGAIN and I didn't manage to get a single picture of him. ::Way to go mom::
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