Sunday was a crazy day. It was the day of Norwegian Christmas but FIRST we headed up to my family's cabin in Island Park. The weather was PERFECT! The sky was super blue and I just loved the view we had as we drove into the valley. The contrast of the dark trees with the white snow and the blue sky were awesome. And then we saw this up a head. UH OH!
It looked a lot scarier than it was. It looked like a WALL of fog but it ended up just being a light fog over a river and we drove through just fine. Zach got to hand out with some of his second cousins. He was completely fascinated with one of the girl's braces.
He just couldn't figure out what those shiney things were on her teeth.
We had an antler making contest- Our team won! As we put the antlers on my cousin's head Zach decided he wanted to join in.
Here's my cousin Natalie modeling our "antlers"
And again with all the pregnant girls! Holy Moly!!! We are everywere! On the far left is my sister Shaila. She is due 3 days before me and in the middle is my dad's girlfriend's daughter Lisa. She is due about 2 weeks after me. There were giant bellies everywhere!
15 years ago
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