Friday, December 18, 2009

More travel adventures

As I said on the previous post. Zach was pretty excited about getting to fly on an airplane. He also thought these railings were pretty fun while we waited. He was actually swinging back and forth. I was surprised he had the strength in his fingers to hold himself up. I also had a video but I wasn't thinking and took it sideways. Who does that!! (A photography person, that's who... I'm not used to shooting video)
Sadly, Zach did not get to arrive looking like his sweet perfect (in mom's eyes anyway) self. He's been fighting off stys for about a month now. Nothing serious, he just always looks like he's been punched in the eye.

I always stress when travel time comes. I picture him jumping up and down and screaming for the entire flight while everyone on board glares as me, branding me a "terrible mother" for not being able to control my child. Everytime, he surprises me with his perfect travel skills. Our first flight was nearly empty so we got a whole row to ourselves. He slept for the first hour and a half or so and then sat nicely watching movies or reading books for the next two hours. He LOVED take off and Landing. The second flight we didn't get quite as lucky and were sqeezed in with two big guys but once again, he fell asleep before the plane had even reached it's cruising altitude. He slept about 45 minutes and then, once again, sat nicely for the remainder of the flight. Sadly, after this trip he won't be able to qualify as a lap child but we at least we know we have this to look forward to...