Our Halloween celebrations were officially jump started tonight by attending our:Zach RAN straight to this pumpkin and stuck his face through the hole for a picture.
He then wouldn't allow us to walk away until we let him peek through Frankenstein as well. NOTE: he has started to chew on his bottom lip constantly, so you will probably see this funny face in many pictures to come. Any tips for how to help him overcome it? Growl!
No, he's not sleeping. He's just really comfortable.
He LOVED seeing all of the pumpkins. He would point at them and then point to himself since he was also a pumpkin.
He thought they were pretty neat.
You just can't tell because he won't stop sucking on that lip!
There were cute little scenes set up all around the zoo and you could follow the whole story.
Zach RAN through the hay bale maze. He was totally excited, especially when he went through a little tunnel and escaped dad for a second. Too bad it didn't lead very far.
Run Zach Run!
He would also run down all of the hills along the path. I'm thinking we're all going to get a great night's sleep tonight.
He found some pumpkin lights that looked just like him!! He was thrilled.
On the way out we stopped to snap a picture with Captain Jack Sparrow, Zach wasn't so thrilled.
15 years ago
I keep on thinking I want to take the girls there, but I'm just not sure about shelling out the money for the zoo in October.
Looks like your little pumpkin had a great time associating with the others of his kind! :)
PS. Please introduce me to Jack Sparrow! ;)
Soo cute! I love pumpkin costumes. We went to our zoo too... a week early for our boo at the zoo, but it was still really fun- and after our long walk we all crashed good that night!
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